Thursday, April 24, 2008

you know you're a mom when....

When I was in labor with Ella I had a pretty good amount of time to think/worry. That might sound weird, but when you have an epidural anything is possible. seriously! I took two pretty awesome naps during labor. So, like I was saying I was in labor and thinking. I was just a few hours away from becoming a mom and everyone wanted to know if I was ready for it. It was hard for me to know if I was ready for many reasons, but one was that I didn't even feel like a mom. I would wonder if it was possible to have a baby and not feel like a mom. When I think of moms I think of my mother and maybe kenny's mom, not me. Moms seem to have it all together. Almost like they have super powers. They can keep an eye on a ton of kids at once, while they are screaming, fighting, making messes and on top of that do all the laundry, pay the bills, clean the house and have dinner ready on the table when Kenny gets home. Well, I was not like that at all not one bit! Sometimes it was hard for me to get all that done before Ella. So, I was nervous. While I am still far from having the kinds of powers were I can some how miraculously get everything done I want to, while watching Ella. I'm telling you all of this because it has taken almost 8 months for me to feel like a true mother and this is what finally did it.....

1. The first time I really felt like a mom is when Ella started to crawl. (It's more like an army crawl, but just as destructive) Nothing will make you feel more like a mom then chasing your daughter around the house all day long saying sentences you never thought you would say..... "No sweetie, we don't pull or eat kitty's tails." "We don't eat kitty food or kitty toys." "Ella no! We do not play with our poopy diapers." "Sigh, Ella people aren't supposed to lick the tv or other people's legs." And finally, "No! It is not ok to bite mommy there!" 

2. The second thing came with a new hobby. (maybe more like an obsession) It has made me feel more like a mom than ever. It's called ebay. Come to find out many moms sell brand new baby clothes on ebay. My favorite baby store is gymboree and there is tons of it on ebay! So for a few days now I have been shopping on ebay for summer clothes for Ella and then it just hit me. I am such a mom. I have been spending hours shopping for Ella and not only that I'm fighting other moms for baby clothes. Seriously I've been getting fired up. I found some very cute things I wanted and had been bidding on them. Well two freaking minutes before the bidding was other these women starting attacking me with higher bids. They are like professionals. I don't see how they could type them in so fast because by the time I could get any bids in they were already way past me and then stole my items! I was so pissed. I actually thought to myself... don't these women have lives? Do they just sit at their computers all day just stealing other people's items at the last minute?! Then it hit me... I am just like them. I have been doing the same thing for most of my day. I have become a stay at home mom who wants to buy their kid cute clothes without having to haul Ella and all her many important things to the mall and then try to shop with all of it. 

So, yeah I'm a mom. I might be a young mom and I might not always do the best "mom" things, and I might not have special powers, but for the first time I feel like an actual mom and I am proud of it! 


Anonymous said...

Babe...I laughed real hard reading some of those "Ella we don't..." sentences. Good stuff. I love should blog more often!!!

Betsy said...

haha, that's really cute. i can't wait. and kenny's right, YOU should blog more often, just like you said on my blog. and then i blogged twice in one week. hooray!

Going Weston said...

Maybe it's because you've always mothered me, but I've always thought of you as one of those super powers moms.

"Jacob, we don't drink that much all at once. No honey, we don't touch stange ladies. Jacob, fill out your science quiz. No no, you can't date her, she's a nice girl..."

(p.s. I miss you in large portions and I can't wait to see you and the rest of the family.)